The New Embodied Carbon PathFinder Tool: A Live Demonstration

Embodied Carbon matters. Make informed decisions faster with the free Embodied Carbon PathFinder app! Quickly estimate the embodied carbon implications of different design and material combinations on your building design. Morrison Hershfield developed this tool in collaboration with OPEN Technologies, Athena Institute and Province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver.

Watch The Webinar


Mark Lucuik, P.Eng., LEED Fellow

Mark is the Director of Sustainability at Morrison Hershfield. Mark has acquired a wide range of knowledge in sustainable design and building science through his experience at Morrison Hershfield, private work and through research in both wood products and roofing materials, and environmental embodied effects. Mark achieved LEED Fellow status in 2013, making him one of a very short list of North Americans with the most prestigious designation for LEED Professionals, recognizing exceptional contributions to green building and significant professional achievement within the rapidly growing community of sustainability Professionals.
