Retrofitting Existing Corridors for Bicycle Lanes – Part 1

Part one of a two-part webinar series that explores retrofitting existing corridors for the addition of all types of cycling facilities. Learn how we balance the needs and wants of our clients to improve safe active transportation options for the community.

Event Information

This presentation is an introduction to retrofitting existing corridors. Learn about the process of evaluating the project objective, selecting a preferred solution for the type of cycling facility and successfully implementing it. The webinar will explore the retrofitting process including:

  • Overview of Retrofitting: Examining the types of cycling facilities, including protected vs unprotected cycling facilities.
  • Applications for Cycling Facilities: Balancing needs, wants and stakeholder priorities to find a solution that works.
  • Implementing the Project: Considerations for project implementation, including parking implications, snow clearing, bus routes and lane considerations.
  • Guiding Principles: Overarching guidelines in Canada with a heavy focus on regulations in the province of Ontario.
  • Future Ideas: Innovative cycling facilities designs from around the globe to consider for future projects.

Tune in for Part 2 of this webinar series where two retrofitting case studies in Ottawa, ON are analyzed.

Watch The Webinar


Will Rose, P.Eng.

Will project manages and leads the designs for various assignments involving intersection modifications, highway design, transit improvements and active transportation projects. He has experience in Contract Administration as a site inspector where he quickly learned construction practices, techniques and the importance of constructability for any design. Will is able to provide contract drawings, quantities and specifications to ensure the client’s project is designed with the highest level of quality and ensuring a constructible design to reduce any complications encountered in the field. His passion for improving the built environment for active transportation has lead him to apply his engineering know-how to improving cycling and transit projects in Ottawa.
