BC Energy Step Code – 2017 Metrics Research Report (Full Report)
The full report of the comprehensive exploration of the energy, emissions and economic impacts of the BC Energy Step Code. These findings suggest that improved energy efficiency and affordability can ...
Read MoreGuide to Low Thermal Energy Demand for Large Buildings
The new guide aims to broaden the understanding of how high-rise residential buildings can meet stricter levels of performance, such as Passive House, BC Energy Step Code, City of Vancouver Zero Emission Building ...
Read MoreHighly Insulated, Ventilated, Wood-framed Attics in Cool Marine Climates
Attic ventilation is a firmly established requirement for residential wood-framed buildings. Attic ventilation is cited to be a benefit for moisture control, reducing cooling loads in hot climates, minimizing icedamsin ...
Read MoreReality of Quantifying Curtain Wall Spandrel Thermal Performance: 2D, 3D and Hotbox Testing
Curtain wall assemblies, large expanses of aluminum framing, are not traditionally known for their thermal efficiency. While insulated spandrels within the curtain wall framing have been used in an attempt ...
Read MoreCity of Toronto Zero Emissions Buildings Framework
As the City of Toronto adds an estimated 24,400 more people per year, the demand for both residential and non-residential developments is growing. In fact, between 2011 and 2015, the ...
Read MoreBalancing the Control of Heat, Air, Moisture, and Competing Interests
The design of a building for either new construction or rehabilitation must consider the control of heat, air, and moisture (HAM) flows. A large number of buildings in the Lower ...
Read MoreReal R-Value of Exterior Insulated Wall Assemblies
The recent drive towards sustainable building construction has placed new emphasis on the provision of durable wall assemblies that provide a high effective resistance to heat flow (R-Value). The authors’ ...
Read MoreConsider Optimizing Your Gains while Undergoing the Pains of Building Envelope Renewals
Nobody likes spending large sums of money on their assets when one or more building envelope assemblies have reached the end of their service life. Yet, major renewals are inevitable ...
Read MoreDesign Limits for Framed Wall Assemblies Dependent on Material Choices for Sheating Membranes and Exterior Insultation
There are many opinions in industry with regard to appropriate material choices for sheathing membranes and exterior insulation of framed wall assemblies. Opinions vary on what is sensible for the ...
Read MoreHolistic Approach to Achieving Low Energy Multi-unit Residential Buildings
As codes and standards evolve towards low- or net-zero energy buildings, the practicality of achieving these targets in high-rise concrete construction gets increasingly challenging. Highrise residential buildings are becoming more ...
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