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2019 TAC-ITS Conference
September 23, 2019 - September 25, 2019
The 2019 Joint Conference & Exhibition will highlight current industry challenges and opportunities through visionary sessions, panel discussions, workshops and keynote presentations delivered by esteemed peers and thought leaders from leading organizations.
With access to over 70 sessions, panel discussions, workshops and keynote presentations, the 2019 Joint Conference’s technical program is one of the strongest we have ever hosted. The Program offers a broad range of presentation topics to make progress on emerging and critical issues that touch on safety, mobility and technology. Morrison Hershfield is a part of three technical presentations and a poster session in this year’s conference.
Presentation: High Tension Cable Barrier (HTCB): The Next Generation of Highway Safety – Monday, Sept. 23 at 2:15 pm – Room 101
High Tension Cable Barrier (HTCB) is the newest way to enhance roadside safety in median and roadside applications, however it cannot be used everywhere. This presentation will outline when to use HTCB compared to traditional guardrail and explore challenges during design and construction on a section of Highway 16A west of the City of Edmonton.
Presented by: Nusrat Ahmad, P. Eng., Transportation Engineer and Bruce Biglow, P. Eng., Director of Transportation / Roads and Highways West
Presentation: Improved Active Transportation Facilities for Vulnerable Users in Ottawa – Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 10:30 am – Room 101
As efforts to increase the use pedestrian and cycling as modes of transportation, and investment supporting infrastructure becomes more widespread, urban highway crossings and interchanges can become a key determinant of the use and success of a community’s active transportation network. This presentation will highlight key aspects of the planning and design of these facilities in Ottawa, and the many measures taken to enhance safety for users.
Presented by: Keith Dustin, Director of Operations, Transportation East and Kornel Mucsi, Program Manager, Transportation Planning, Transportation Policy and Networks at City of Ottawa
Presentation: Taché Promenade Active Transportation Renewal, Riverbank Stabilization and Retaining Wall and Belvédère Saint-Boniface – Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 9:00 am – Argyle Room 1A
The Taché Promenade Active Transportation Renewal is a cornerstone piece of the City of Winnipeg’s 20-year vision for a “green ribbon” connecting people to the Forks. The 450 m long riverbank project includes rock-filled column slope stabilization and a 180 m long retaining wall improving the reliability of Winnipeg’s primary dyke, coupled with active transportation pathway and amenity enhancements including the 95 m long Belvédère Saint-Boniface curved pedestrian lookout bridge.
Presented by: Andrew Neilson, Deputy Lead – Bridges West and Michael Van Helden, Senior Geotechnical Engineer TREK Geotechnical Inc.
Poster Session: New Standards for Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Construction Projects – Monday, Sept. 23 at 11:00 am – Convention Hall Atrium
Morrison Hershfield has developed all-new standards for electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) construction projects for the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) for use in public parking lots. These standards will assist in the detail design of all future MTO EVCS projects to come and reduce design and construction administration efforts for installing public charging stations province-wide while providing a set of quality standards for manufacturers to conform to.
Presented by: Geoff Smeeth, Electrical Engineer
Morrison Hershfield Conference Delegates: Jim Weir, Keith Dustin, Bruce Biglow, Geoff Smeeth, Andrew Neilson, Nusrat Ahmad, Mike Bricks, Hector Moreno and Doug Porter.