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Roofing & Waterproofing

Our team of experienced and qualified professionals prevents and solves performance issues with both roofing and waterproofing. Morrison Hershfield has been directly involved in thousands of projects across North America.

Projects often begin with the investigation of leaks or condensation build-up. This is followed by the preparation of design documents detailing long-term solutions and conclude with our quality assurance reviews of the installation.

We put our knowledge and experience into practice by providing advice to prevent issues in the first place. Careful placement of air and vapor barriers, constructible detailing and appropriate material selection enable us to provide owners and developers with options that meet or exceed expectations for performance, cost and maintenance.

Our team members are certified by national organizations including the Roofing Consultant’s Institute (RCI). We are involved with prominent manufacturers and industry organizations providing leading research related to roofing and waterproofing issues. We have worked with a wide range of roofing assemblies and waterproofing systems from green and reflective roofs to landscaped podiums and tanked below grade structures for buildings of varying usage and ages and are well equipped to meet all your roofing needs.

Get in touch with us.